1. Menjaga Kebersihan di lingkungan persemaian, meliputi drainase agar air tidak tergenang. Air yang tergenang akan mempermudah tumbuhnya jamur akar. Selain itu juga diperlukan menjaga kebersihan gulma (jenis tumbuhan penganggu) yang dapat menjadi tempat perlindungan serangga (inang)
2. Hindari pemasangan lampu di areal sekitar persemaian, sebab dengan keberadaan lampu di malam hari secara otomatis akan mngundang serangga untuk kawin, bertelur dan menetas dalam bentuk ulat yang akhirnya generasi serangga akan memangsa tanaman baik berupa bagian daun maupun bagian batang
3. Hindari membuat kulit buah-buahan di areal persemaian, karena akan menjadi tempat berkumpulnya serangga
4. Pengamatan terhadap jenis hama yang menyerang biasanya aktif pada sore hari sampai pagi hari. Pada sore hari yaitu sekitar pukul 17.30 setelah suasana sejuk dan biasanya setelah petugas pulang bekerja sampai jam 6.30 pagi, saat petugas bersiap datang. Suasana yang dirasa tidak aman oleh hama biasanya pada saat matahari terbit
5. Pemberantasan tahap awal dilakukan jika hama yang menyerap masih relative sedikit, yaitu cukup ditangkap lalu di bunuh atau dibakar, tetapi jika sudah mengelompok atau menyebar, gunakan insektisida sesuai dengan jenis hama yang dimaksud
6. Penyakit tanaman sering dijumpai pada daun yang ditandai dengan warna daun berwarna kuning, sebagian mongering dan layu. Apabila batang mongering secara perlahan diindikasikan oleh jamur yang menyerang akar, namun ada juga yang terkena cacar daun, cara penanganan dilakukan dengan cara menyemprotkan insektisida yang sesuai untuk penyakit yang diindikasikan, namun jika tanaman telah menunjukkan kondisi yang parah, maka hal yang sebaiknya dilakukan yaitu dengan memusnahkan atau membakar tanaman tersebut.
7. Pencegahan hama dan penyakit sebenarnya bisa dilakukan sedini mungkin atau lebih awal yaitu hindari sesuatu yang merangsang serangga datang.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
The high rate increase in the critical area of Indonesia cause the forest and land rehabilitation efforts must be improved. One way that was increasing in rehabilitation effort is engage the community around he forest in any rehabilitation efforts. The Benih untuk Rakyat Program (Seed for People) intent on the incidence of strengthening communities in the provision of quality seeds and seedlings, increase the quality and quantity of forest plants, improve the community welfare and support the forest and land rehabilitation programs.
This study aims to determine the extent of the goals of the Program Benih untuk Rakyat achievements. In this research, the primary data obtained through direct interviews with the informants and direct observation in the field, while the secondary data obtained from searches of relevant documents.
Results of research show that the goals of Benih untuk Rakyat Program only achieve on short term impacts level (outputs), while the medium term impacts (effects) and long term impacts (impacts) have not been reached. Factors that influence the goals failure to reach the expected impacts are support of resource program that is available does not balance with the goal be achieved, where the support resources in the program only for one year, while the goal be achieved is a long-term impact that can not be achieved in one year. In addition, the rules of program also need to set the pattern of the relationship between central government (BPTH Sumatera) and the local government (Forestry and Plantation Office of North Bengkulu District) in its sustainable development.
The high rate increase in the critical area of Indonesia cause the forest and land rehabilitation efforts must be improved. One way that was increasing in rehabilitation effort is engage the community around he forest in any rehabilitation efforts. The Benih untuk Rakyat Program (Seed for People) intent on the incidence of strengthening communities in the provision of quality seeds and seedlings, increase the quality and quantity of forest plants, improve the community welfare and support the forest and land rehabilitation programs.
This study aims to determine the extent of the goals of the Program Benih untuk Rakyat achievements. In this research, the primary data obtained through direct interviews with the informants and direct observation in the field, while the secondary data obtained from searches of relevant documents.
Results of research show that the goals of Benih untuk Rakyat Program only achieve on short term impacts level (outputs), while the medium term impacts (effects) and long term impacts (impacts) have not been reached. Factors that influence the goals failure to reach the expected impacts are support of resource program that is available does not balance with the goal be achieved, where the support resources in the program only for one year, while the goal be achieved is a long-term impact that can not be achieved in one year. In addition, the rules of program also need to set the pattern of the relationship between central government (BPTH Sumatera) and the local government (Forestry and Plantation Office of North Bengkulu District) in its sustainable development.
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